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VRX Silica Granted Geothermal Exploration Permit in North Perth Basin, WA

VRX Silica Limited (VRX Silica or Company) (ASX: VRX) is pleased to announce it has been granted Geothermal Exploration Permit (GEP) GEP 44 consisting of 8 blocks at Dandaragan, 145km north of Perth, Western Australia.

Geothermal technology has the potential to produce long term dispatchable renewable energy for the Mid-West region, including VRX Silica’s Arrowsmith Silica Sand Projects, as well as green hydrogen for the manufacture of glass.

The Dandaragan GEP area includes the Walyering gas field currently under development by EP447 Joint Venture between Strike Energy 55% and Talon Energy 45%.

The grant presents an opportunity to work with these companies to use extensive historical and current data to explore for potential geothermal power options.

VRX Silica Managing Director Bruce Maluish said:

“This initiative was undertaken by VRX Silica to support our silica sand projects and long-term ambitions for the production of glass in Western Australia.

“Geothermal energy is a reliable, long-term renewable energy source with the ability to power our silica sand projects and provide base-load renewable generation to backstop variable renewable sources, such as wind and solar.

The grant follows the acreage release nomination VRX Silica lodged in December 2021 and subsequent GEP application in April 2022 with the Department of Mines Industry Regulation (DMIRS).

VRX Silica has another two GEP Applications in the Mid-West currently under consideration.

The Company is actively engaging with potential partners with the relevant industry experience and capability for the development of this project.

Click on the link below for more information about VRX Silica and their geothermal project.


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